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As you can guess Gorus is very aggressive, especially towards humans (and apparently angels as well). He views humans as an unfinished species, which should either evolve or die. He tends to be a bit racist towards any other races aside from lizard men and occasionally drakens.
Gorus although is not the largest of the Lizard Men, yet he is still very big and is probably the most physically fit, and agile. His differences from average lizard men, is that his posture is more straight then most other lizard men. His snout is also much broader then most other lizard men. Probably the most notable difference is that Gorus does not have a tail. Since Gorus always wears pants (unlike most other lizard men) it's unknown whether it is a birth defect, or if it was cut off. His lack of a tail may also explain why is posture is more human like.
Other then rage, boredom and enjoyment from killing something he doesn't show much emotion. Gorus does not speak in the common lizard man lisp, such as the dragging of S's. Rather, he speaks in a deep voice, which could possibly be mistaken for a human, yet his voice still has a reptilian quality to it. When he's ticked off he does make some dinosaur like growls and snarls, sometimes.

He has served the Dark Empire since he was young. His father was the former High General of the Subterranean division and was trained by the lost people of the Gepardis. His father was able to pass on the knowledge of capturing the essence of creatures and gaining their abilities and form, to him.
His first transformation he mastered was an ogre. His transformation into it, makes him look more human, and much larger. As he was trained personally by his father he gained the essences of several other creatures. The most powerful one and most prized, is the Death Wyvern, a large black wyvern with dark abilities. In an attempt on obtaining the essence, he had a have a large squad of warriors, and his father to help him overthrow the monster. His father was killed on this dangerous quest, and Gorus was promoted to High General, when only at the age of 20, when he returned.
His soldiers look highly up to him. He has more then lived up to his father's skill and many in his division believe him to be the greatest lizard warrior in the empire.
In Chapter 10
"I'm Gorus, Gorus Van'deln. High General of the Subterrain."
Gorus attended the banquet Retan organized at North Point. The main plan was the distract a group of pests wile Retan charges a spell to banish them from Gaian. One of them dared to attempt on stopping Retan from casting his spell, yet he was dealt with.
Chapter 10-11 interlude
Gorus spent quite some time on Gaian helping to lead armies to enforce the new imperial law. The monstrous creature claimed many lives and he did a good job for keeping up his carnivorous image. Due to the large amounts of action he has had on Gaian, he's chosen to stay here, resting at his fortress of Lizaberg, until it's fully necessary for him to return to his subterranean world.
In Chapter 11
"Listen ya little mutant pixie, I could chew up and spit out any of your little friends that come here. They don't pass the position of High General to weak little runts like you."
One of his elites brought him a little something. It was an imp, which he suspected was the same imp he saw 18 months ago. After it started talking to him, his theory was proven true. He then chose to keep it around so he could use it as bait for the more wanted criminals.
After a while, Zeros' made it in. He sent his elites to fight it, but they were easily defeated. Now he'll see how well he will do in a fight against him!
In Chapter 12
"I want to start trying now..."
Zeros' proved to be a worthy enough fight for him to transform into his Death Wyvern form. The battle however was interupted as the imp hit him in the back of the head with a mace by surprize causing him to shoot an attack he was charging at the wall of the room they were in causeing most of the mountain to fall apart over him. He survived suffering only minor wounds, but Zeros' and Rink escaped.
In Chapter 13
"Excellent...Now crush them."
While his room was being repaired he took the time to rest. General Ssobra informed him of Count Vandrin who was refusing to move from Terian under the new laws passed by the emperor. Gorus then planed an attack on the Vandrin County.
In Chapter 14
"Had enough yet? Too bad, I'm not finished. But don't worry. I’ll make sure you don't die until I'm done."
He attacked the Vandrin County during sunrise. The walls built around the cities were no defense against Gorus' ogre form. His lizard men proved to be more than a match for Vandrin's foot soilders. The battle seemed very one side, but when the count sent out his mutants, the casualties of lizard men started to go up. But in the end it didn't prove enough and nearly the entire mutant army was exterminated by Gorus' forces by the end of the battle. Meanwhile, Gorus went out on his own hunting down the elite shadow mutants, and some of remaining humans. Eventually he encountered an elite Kandarin warrior, known as a stalker. He proved to actually be the strongest human he's ever fought. However, Gorus proved to himself once again that no human is a match for him and killed the stalker at the end of the fight. Quickly enough the Vandrin County was nothing but a smoldering ghost town...
In Chapter 15
"I'll speak to their intestines with my boot."
Despite the battle at Vandrin being a victory, Gorus was still a little shocked with the effort the Kandarinians put up. His general and friend, Xarn was able too convince him to lead a full scale attack on the Kandarinian capital. Gorus and Xarn took there airships and lauched their surprised attack.
When the battle started it seemed like it was going to be a victory for the empire, yet the Kandarinians unleased the Enlightenment which greatly turned the tides of battle. Gorus was able to be taken down and captured by a squad of stalkers. He was brought to the Gros Morne Citadel and there he witnessed the mutation of Xarn, and was forced to battle him. With much effort he was able to kill the mutant lizard men, but was again taken to the ground by Kronos himself.
It's uncertain what happened to Gorus after that.
Gorus is physically strong, fast and agile making him a very deadly unarmed fighter. He has a high physical resistance to magical attacks yet he does not know any actual attacking spells, in his natural form. Gorus has also inherited the magical transformation of the Gepardi and has a few dangerous transformations.
Here is a list of known transformations he has...
- Doom Serpent, only transforms into this form for traveling
- Ogre, a very large breed, with green skin
- Death Wyvern, his most powerful transformation