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A map showing the location of Lizaberg.
A map showing the location of Lizaberg.

Lizaberg is several miles south of Bandervil. The centre of it is an unnatural looking rocky mountain. Around it are large walls built of stone and metal, and between the mountain and the walls are several buildings and tents with mostly lizardmen inside and around them. Along the wall posts are guns towers, with magic powered cannons. Technology ripped right from the Aspyes.

The mountain itself is a rocky structure, just to High General Gorus' likings. Strange mazes and traps were inside the mountain, only Gorus, Retan, the other High Generals and Grous' elite guard knew the way through. Getting through would be quite a task, for anyone.


A sketch of Lizaberg, the mountain fortress.
A sketch of Lizaberg, the mountain fortress.

The fortress was built July 12th 563 GE. Gorus originally had an underground bunker for his fortress, to be similar to his home world, Mizar. But due to flooding in a rainstorm he and his legion had to construct overland buildings. Gorus requested that he had some sort of subterranean resembling building to live in, so the Dark Empire had a nearly hollowed out mountain constructed.

After a few break-in attempts by spies, they had a very complex security system built into the entrance hallways of the mountain fortress. The security system proved very effective until December 1st 563 GE, when a person by the name of Zeros' was able to get through, only in order to rescue a small imp who he was friends with. Gorus battled the intruder, and caused damage to some of the interior, it took them two days to fix the damage, but with a large work team.

After the fall of the Dark Empire in 563 G.E. Lizaberg was able to stay as an independent nation, due to them being free of Retan and being unable to return to Mizar. Yet they adopted a mostly barbaric life style. With Gorus' disappearance and the death of Xarn, the generals Thogus and Ssobra both share leadership. The lizard men of Lizaberg have kept their infamous reputation on Gaian, as they have kept their hatred and disgust for humans. As of late they have had several small conflicts with neighbouring Kandarinian outposts.