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She is a medium build woman, wearing contrasted black and white jester clothing, and a cap n’ bells hat. Her face is covered in a mask, also contrasted with one side and black and the opposite white.
After Chapter 14, she finally took off her mask and hat, but she keeps them with her and wears them occasionally when she finds the need.
When she was only ten years old she was attacked by a swordsmen and left for dead. When she woke up she had no idea what had happened to her family or friends. She didn’t even know where she was, but the place was dark and desolate.
She wandered the area for hours until she was confronted by a strange man in his mind twenties who claimed to be her long lost older brother. The man told her horrifying stories of demons coming to get her and said he would protect her, if she promised him complete loyalty.
The man was apparently a servant in the Dark Empire, who had been secretly trying to learn magic. The man kept Ophelia in hiding, but it seemed like captivity to her. Occasionally the man would share his teachings of magic with her and bring food and water. This went on for ten years and despite the care he was taking for him, Ophelia felt great hatred for him. One day she screamed, and wouldn’t stop. One of the Dark Empire officers found the girl and ordered her to stop screaming. She ignored him, until the officer hit her across the face, and she stopped screaming. For hiding the girl, the man was ordered to kill her. He refused so the officer fought the man, however due to his skill in magic the officer was killed. The man realized he would be in big trouble so he blamed this murder on the girl, and was able to prove it, because Ophelia also had skill in magic.
Rather then being executed Ophelia was sent to live the rest of her lifetime in prison. Alone she trained her magic and entertained the guards with magic tricks to keep their respect. After a month the other prisoners began to harass Ophelia, she didn’t know why, but she put up with it for a few weeks until she snapped and attacked the bullies, used magic and killed them. The guards noticed that she was a great fighter and requested that she be initiated. Their requests were refused, however later the guards asked if she could be released and serve as an entertainer. It was then she was dressed in her black and white jester clothing and she assumed the mask. When she wasn’t entertaining she practiced magic, in both black and white.
After the fall of Retan and the rise of the Crimson Empire, she continued her work as a Jester, and also onto the short lived Grey Empire. When the Dark Empire returned she displayed her magic abilities to the generals and convinced them to let her stay, and even fight, yet she chose to keep her jester uniform. She thinks of it as a shield to forget her childhood which she enjoyed so much. She believes that if she forgets her former peaceful life, her current dreadful one, won't seem so bad.
In Chapter 14

With the aid of Melface and Rufokanno she was able to get inside Tjedon so they could kill Duilin Talonscar. She was able to lure Duilin to them, by holding Bell and Rink hostage. However with the aid of a few of Duilin's friends they were able to free the hostages without anyone getting hurt. Duilin and Ophelia battled, but the half demon proved to be too strong for her.
She chose that she would reveal that she was indeed Sienna, Duilin's maternal half sister. She too had lost everything but was plunged into darkness by Valos (the strange man who raised her). She was able to be happy by having everything that remind her of her past to be removed, but Duilin returned and Ophelia thought she had to kill him. Duilin was able to convince her to give this crazed logic up. Sienna, was fully able to redeem herself, so she left and ventured to the remains of their old home village, to try and come to her senses.
In Chapter 15
As Sienna was thinking things over in Helternia, she met a young girl named Puco, who helped her somewhat. Eventually they were attacked by Gleepers and the demon warrior Nex. Puco was able to teleport them both away to avoid getting killed by the extremely powerful Nex.
Chapter 15-16 interlude
Still unable to fight her dark urges, she kept herself away from Duilin and his friends. However his brother Duilin eventually came looking for her, so she had to leave Helternia. For the three years she tried to keep herself away from Duilin, because she still didn't feel comfortable joining with him. She still hasn't forgiven herself for what she did to Duilin. With her new friend Puco, she didn't find it as hard to deal with her problems as she thought it would be. After three years she believes she might be ready to talk to his brother again. Her and Puco were able to become close friends.
As she has practiced skill in two contrasting elements she tends to have quite some interesting powers. She is quite skilled in them as she has been practicing them since she was young. She was able to gain new abilities from Puco, by allowing her to extract her magical enegery and evolve it, via her time-warping magic.
Ophelia blasts a ray of dark rings which basically gives the person hit, "bad luck". When they are cursed, they tend to trip often and miss many attacks. Game play wise, if a character is hit by this, Dude Man will have less respect for the accuracy of your attacks for however many posts the attack was charged for.
This is a Black Magic ability.
Very similar to curse however the effect on the target is they are greatly slowed down. Game play wise, the character hit by this attack will only be able to perform one action per post, for however many posts the attack was charged for.
This is a White Magic ability.
This is the exact opposite of the slow spell. This spell increases her speed quite greatly, giving her quite an edge in combat, as she's normally rather quick without this spell.
This is a White Magic ability.
Card Barrage
Her deck of cards is quite strange, as they are able to regenerate if any cards are lost. She tends to use this to her advantage and enchanting them and giving them razor sharp edges and tossing them. The magic mixed the sharpness of the cards make these just as lethal as ninja stars.
This is a Black Magic ability.
This was learned with the aid of Puco's magic-evolution. Sienna now has the ability to magically heal minor and even some major wounds. However, this spell required a lot of energy if she has to heal fatal wounds and can fully drain her energy, and would require a day's worth of rest (ie: can only save the life of one character with this spell, once per chapter).
This is a White Magic ability.
Knock Out
This was learned with the aid of Puco's magic-evolution. Sienna has the ability to temporally completely knock out an opponent, almost instantly. The only drawback with this spell is extremely short ranged, to the point were she has to place her hand on the target. The spell is also not instant upon contact, so a lot stealth and subtly is required for her to use this spell correctly. Even if she does manage to touch somebody and use this spell, the target could simply knock her hand off.
This is a Black Magic ability.
Also learned with the aid of Puco's magic-evolution. Sienna can create a magical camouflage aura around her, making her blend in with her surroundings. Yet she's not completely invisible, this does make it much easier for her to sneak around.
This is a Black and White Magic ability.