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A map of the island of Romme, with several key locations in Chapters 1-3 pointed out.
A map of the island of Romme, with several key locations in Chapters 1-3 pointed out.

Romme was the start of it all. A small monarchal island nation, Romme was the central focus of chapters 1-3 of the RP.


The island of Romme is located roughly several hundred miles southeast of the Dark Continent, and less than a hundred miles southwest of the neigboring island nation of Tjed.

Relations with Tjed

Before the start of the RP, Romme has had some rough times with Tjed, including several wars. At the start of the RP, the two nations were at peace, but still not at the best of terms.


Romme was attacked at the very begining of chapter 1 by Draven, a High General of the Dark Empire at the time. King Romme is apparently killed in his castle during the first battle, and is only vaguely mentioned in the RP. The aging knight Iduran takes on a leadership role as one of the few survivors, and joins Zeros', Duilin, and many others in the defense of the island.

Unfortunately in chapter 3, Romme is totally wiped off the face of the planet by Retan's MDAA gone awry, in which Retan and his son Jayce dissapeared into the vortex along with it.

The island returned in chapter 6, however, as part of a planet-wide healing spell coordinated by Gaia, Gaian's protector, and several heros sacrificing their own energy. It was much too late for the population, however, and the island remains unihabited and overgrown.

During chapter 15 Romme's population was resurrected using a unique method developed by Indher. The populace renamed it "Phoenicia".