
Duilin (Demon Lord)

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Duilin Talonscar
"Time to face your judgement!"
Created by Dude Man
Physical Description
RaceDemon Lord
Height6'2" (taller due to increased muscle mass)
HairBlack with grey roots and tips
Usual ClothingBlack shirt and pants, with a red belt made of cloth, and several straps on the pants, holding a pouch of gold coins.
EyesDark Yellow
Body ArtNone
Facial HairNone
OtherHe has four demonic wings and horns
SpecializationPhysical Combat and Demonic Magic
JobBrute Mage




Due to Duilin being the son of a Demon Lord, his demonic form is very powerful and he goes through quite a mutation when changing to this form. His hair grows a bit longer and becomes grey at the roots and tips. His muscles become bigger and his skin is more of a golden colour. A pair of short horns grow on his forehead and a second pair of smaller wings sprout under his older ones.


He is much like an alter-ego for Duilin. He is able to change to this form when demonic energy takes him over due to massive anger. His Demon Lord form is far more aggressive and fuels himself off the death of others, and has to kill people at a very quick rate in order to satisfy his hunger. Duilin is nearly evil in this form, but due to the help of Aegidius he's able to control himself from attacking friends and innocents.

Duilin always had the power to achieve this form, and was constantly encouraged to by Valos and Abodahon, as when he is in his 'bloodrage' he would be more manipulative and cause much death and havoc. However he still does, yet Aegidius is able to help Duilin control himself through angelic magic.


Duilin in his Demon Lord form, makes him much stronger in the ways of demonic magic. He is able to do many abilities he isn't able to do normally, but looses some. His demonic techniques bare very simular to those performed by his father Abodahon.

Demon Flame

Also known as the "Fireball of Death". This was taught to Duilin by Nex and it was his first spell he learned. What separates this from a normal fireball is that it is a demonic technique for summoning the flames of Hell. The demon flame can be rather hard to control and can get to big and damage the user if he is not careful or unskilled. The effects are not to different from a basic fireball, but it comes more natural to demons.

This is a Fire Elemental and Demonic ability.

Life Drain

Duilin usually has to charge this attack. Duilin focuses his demonic energy and then releases in a cord like stream which flows through the target and consumes their life energy and transfers it into Duilin, either healing his wounds or temporarily increasing his strength.

Weapon Enchant

Duilin has mastered the ability to temporally enchant his weapons with magic, mostly of the wind or fire element. This can make the swings of his weapons much stronger and more effective, and he can use the weapon to shoot magic blasts that are more precise, as he can shoot them from the weapon rather then throw it.

Flame Sheild

Because of his loss of Air Magic, he now uses his ability to summon flames of hell to create a sheild around him. This can prove to be very effective against ice spells and other fire spells. This sheild can even be damaging to anyone who gets too close towards him.

Energy Blade

This ability is very similar to Draven's Crimson Blade. However, Duilin tends to use lightning and demonic energy to create it. He is self-taught in this move. He came up with this by watching Draven's techniques and mimicked it, following similar motions such as spreading the energy with his palms. He first used this attack to help defeat Alpha Retan in Chapter 5.

This is mostly a Lightning and Demonic ability.


Having wings, it's only natural that he can fly. However by using magic, he can fly quite fast, almost matching the speed of Zeros', yet he finds that he is also tagging behind his friend. He was taught to use magic to help him fly from his imp friend, Rink.

Aura Detection

Duilin's ability to detect auras is actually weaker in his demon lord form, due to his decreased perception. Like Draven, he is still not very good at it and is only able to pick out the general direction of extremely powerful forces. Oddly his friend Rink is much more skilled in this, despite Duilin's superior Magic.

Demon Flail

This attack is Duilin's most frightening and his strongest demonic ability. This was taught to him by Abodahon and is similar to his Demon Flame, however, rather summoning hell flames, he summons the bones of the dead demons of Hell. The flail is composed of a demonic skull and spinal cord, and is a translucent red-orange. He swings the flail around several times and tosses it, very little aim is required for this technique, as the demon flail actually hunts down the target and tries to hit it, he seems to just know what the user wants to hit with it.

The effects can be quite violent and deadly. The skull bites onto the target and explodes. The pressure of the explosion is quite powerful and the demonic energy is quite hot and can quickly burn right through the flesh and infect it internally as well as externally.


Duilin has some slight abilities in telepathy. The only time he uses it, is to send messages to other people, a telepathic message or whisper if you may. This technique just came natural to him in Chapter 5. He attempted it several times before but never did it correctly until after defeating an entity clone.

Hell Fissure

Duilin charges his demonic energy into the ground, splitting it. This creates a large fissure and summons several tortured spirits from Hell, which tend to grab onto people near by and explode or attempt to shred them apart.

Demonic Seeker

Duilin shoots a large laser from his hand. The laser has the image of a skull at the front. The laser seeks down the target and explodes. The after affect of the blast is infecting them with strange form of poisoning, which may cause mental damage, like hallucination, fear or confusion.