From DALpedia

Terian, much more commonly known as the "Dark Continent" is one of the larger continents on Gaian. The nickname stems from the fact that the skies above the entire landmass seen to be overcast more often than the rest of the world and, save for forested areas, there is much dead rocky terrain.
The Dark Continent was the foundation for Retan's Dark Empire, and some say his evil aura made the landmass that much more dismal and bleak.
When Draven reformed the Dark Empire into the Crimson Empire, Terian was the full extent of the empire's reach, as Draven made no effort to reconquer external Dark Empire lands. The fact that the Crimson Empire centered on Terian gave way to the "Crimson Continent" nickname, but this is much less used.
Terian is roughly 45% the size of real world North America, and slightly longer north-south than east-west. The eastern shores are composed largely of high jagged peaks (with the occasional lowly placed port), and the central and western regions rocky and hilly. Occasional patches of thick forests randomly cover the landscape.
Important locations include: