The Malefactors
From DALpedia
The Malefactors is a group of four Bounty Hunters from across Terian. They take random bounties they find here and there. They tend to be quite a successful group. The man who seems to lead them Brice, is the most famous of the group. Most humans who were not under protection of one of the super poweing nations have been terminated, yet he has been able to keep alive and well, for quite some time. Most of the Dark Empire troops tend to leave them alone; the High Generals really pay them no mind, yet they won't hesitate to attack if they get too far in their way.
Name: Brice
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Specialization(s): Water Elemental Magic
Age: 27
Job: Bounty Hunter
Weapon(s): None
Description: Stands at about 6 feet, he wears a dark coloured armour with a silver trim. He has a spikey mohawk and an ear ring.
Bio: Formly a part of the Ice Warriors, yet six years ago, he left when the Blue Minotaur forced them to break up. He was one of the few people still free or alive. After the fall of his gang he moved into solitary crime, and bounty hunting. He earned up his money and took magic lessons to highten his skills in water and ice. He never became too highly skilled, but he became quite a decent fighter in it. Eventually, he became well settled, he chose to buy a slave to help him with his housework, yet he found the slave rather skilled, he allowed him freedom, if he would assist him in bounty hunting.
Fate: Killed by Duilin.
Name: Rufokanno
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Specialization(s): Telekinesis
Age: 34
Job: Bounty Hunter
Weapon(s): None
Description: Stands at bit over 6 feet, he is dressed in the skin and fur of red wolves. He has a thick stripe of hair on his head, and dark orange lines tattooed over his body.
Bio: He was the chief of the a tribe known as the Red Wolf Tribe. His name literatly, means Leader of Red Wolf in his tribe’s tounge. His father, and ancestors all had this name. Eventually his tribe was attacked and the survivours were put into slavery. He was later bought by a man named Brice, who freed him in an exchange of aiding him in his bounty hunting. He soon found the work quite rewarding, and gained a friendship with Brice.
Fate: Pending.
Name: Scrums
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Specialization(s): Firearms
Age: 39
Job: Bounty Hunter
Weapon(s): Automatic Shotgun
Description: A burly orc, with a big belly. He has large teeth and scargly hair. He wears a brown shirt and pants and rusty old plate legs and gray wolf boots.
Bio: A former member of the OMG. After the they were sent on their large raid on Terian, he was cut off from his group in a surprise attack by the “Ass-Pies”. He spends most of his days tending his wounds and surviving in the wastelands. Soon he was found by military scouts, who agreed to aid him to the nearest settlement. He soon met with a three men who were looking for bounty work. He was offered to join, because of his skill in firearms. He doesn't mind too much hanging with smoothskins.
Fate: Killed by Virmir.
Name: Elliot
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Specialization(s): Bladed Weapons
Age: 18
Job: Bounty Hunter
Weapon(s): Dual daggers
Description: Stands at about 5 foot 9. He has short brown hair and a large nose. He wears dark red undershirt with red leather coat pants and shoes.
Bio: He failed the Kandarin initiate test, and was laughed out of his group of friends. He then chose to move into the streets of crime. He soon met up with Brice and Rufokanno, and after much time of convincing they agreed to let him join them in their bounty work.
Fate: Accidentally stabbed himself in the liver.