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"Oh, I was floating around in Limbo, pretty much. I hated it. You know what they make you do there? Nothing, they actually force you to sit around and do nothing. At first it doesn’t seem so bad, but it gets boring really quickly. Six years I spent in there. I actually pity those who spend eternity."
-Nex talking about Limbo

Limbo, also known as the Void, is another dimension, which is connected to Thanatos, Asgard and Gaian. Limbo is mostly a blank void, which some who die may be trapped in. Mortals who die as evil doers but still have a chance of redemption may be sent to Limbo, and be set on trial. After that they may be sent to Thanatos, Asgard or simply stay in Limbo. One who has practiced dimensional teleportation and attempts to use that power to follow somebody into the afterlife, will most likely end up in Limbo. This was shown in Chapter 5 when Haraldur died and Zeros' attempted to chase him into the afterlife and ultimately destroy him, but found himself in Limbo, while Haraldur was in Thanatos.

The self-proclaimed ruler of Limbo is the god titled entity Xnhrthsnhz. It was summoned by Indher during Chapter 14 in the tower of Heaven's Bane.