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He wears a clean white robe, with gold trim, that covers everything from the neck down. One his hands he wears his golden gauntlets, one which has a white diamond on the top of the hand. The diamond’s purpose is similar to Marshall’s sapphire. His hair is halfway neck length and has curves at the end. He often gives the expression of a relaxed one who is in about to start combat.
He is the Grand General of his secret lost nation, the White Chimera. He has served as Grand General for three years, since the unexpected passing of the former one, due to a disease. Although nearly considered young for the job, he was not nervous. He has always a naturally calm and relaxed person, which made him a very skilled fighter.
The Elders of his nation chose him, and a squad of his choosing to visit Terian. They have recently discovered that freedom of the nation has fallen greatly and rapidly. They knew of the Aspyes Revolution and were content with their doings; however the Aspyes have lost most of their power, so they believe it might have to be up to them to at least help bring more freedom to Terian.
Although he thought he may have over heard the elders talking about expanding their group into a bigger nation on Terian. Regardless, he is going to carry out his search and gain as much information about the nations as possible.
Chapter 15-16 interlude
Wilham and the rest of the White Chimera joined with the Gaian Federation. They assisted in making the underground shelters and bunkers to protect them from the Sovereign's Hammer. Wilham kept his position as the head general for the White Chimera. He doesn't spend as much time with Marshall or Coriko anymore, but has tried to keep in touch with them. The White Chimera quickly became famous for their navy, due to them having submersible ships.
His summoning abilities are very same to Marshall’s however he is NOT a member of the Blue Minotaur, yet the technique is surprisingly almost identical to theirs. However most of his creatures he summons aren’t ones you see everyday. He also displays very high skill in unarmed combat. He is also quite agile and can jump high and run quite fast for one wearing a robe. He's been able to combat elemental mages and win, as his robes give him a high resistance to magical attacks.
List of monsters
* = Given to him, with the diamond.
And one more to be revealed…