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 The Anarcho-Technocratic Flag as used by Haraldur and those in his group.
The Anarcho-Technocratic Flag as used by Haraldur and those in his group.

The Aspyes are Anarchist Communist Technocratic revolutionaries. They plan to bring the world of Gaian, equality, freedom and a high standard of living, in a sustainable fashion. Haraldur, is the one who has started the revolution. Those he has most influence over fly the grey-red-black flag. Those most influenced by Durruti fly the red-black flag, those by Tesla the plain red flag, occasionally with a hammer and a sickle (yellow) in the top left corner, and those most influenced by Nestor Makhno fly a plain black flag, sometimes with a skull and crossed bones and writing on it.

Members of the Aspyes Revolution

Relations with other groups/nations