The Tower of Heaven's Bane
From DALpedia

As soon as that door was open, Renard felt a chill rush though his bones. Not that it was cold outside, but there was something else in the air, something else he didn't care to think about...
Virmir began walking forward, out the door and into that cold air. Renard followed, arching his head upward to look at the swirling black and red clouds above.
And the endless spire.
The black tower surged upwards, defiant of all physical laws. It tore right through those clouds above and disappeared, endlessly rising upwards...
The Tower of Heaven's Bane.
The capital of the Dark Empire...
Renard and the Velkens had landed on the airship dock fifty floors up. From his vantage point on the exterior platform, the silver furred fox could see the black mountains all around and below. And still he could not see the top of the tower, even when they were flying in. How such a massive structure was constructed in a few short months he could not imagine, though he was certain some sort of black magic was involved. The Dark Emperor himself was up there, somewhere...
Excerpted from Chapter 13
Perched at the summit of a barren rocky mountain, The Tower of Heaven's Bane was constructed in between Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 and became the new capital of the Dark Empire upon completion. The narrow black tower spans upwards hundreds of stories, its top impossible to see amongst the thick clouds covering the Dark Continent. It also has several underground levels, many of which connect to a few much smaller surrounding structures. The massive structure is essentially a self-contained city.
The true purpose of the tower, however, is an energy nexus from which Retan can draw massive amounts of evil magical power from various netherworlds.
- The Velkens are guarding the tower's construction site in the Forbidden Peak side story.