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Bite Glacieus
Created by Dude Man
Physical Description
Usual ClothingWhite shirt, blue pants, and steel armour with a light blue trim.
Body ArtNone
Facial HairNone
OtherHe has very creepy looking teeth.
SpecializationBladed Weapons
Weapon(s)Ice Gun (Totally power by magic ice crystals, which are mined in the mountains by the Ice Warriors. It's blasts beam similar to ice magic. He also uses it to repair frost's sword)
AllianceIce Warriors


Bite was raised in Laus, but he ran away when he heard about the Dark Empire coming. He ran off into the mountains along with his brother and they found a guild called the Ice Warriors and they have served them ever since. He has spent most of his days with the Ice Warriors, jumping merchants and occasionally raiding villages.

In chapter 4

Him and his twin brother Frost went on a little trip to Laus. The mostly planned to just have some rowdy time at the pub. Kami-Ryu didn't find this very pleasing and asked them kindly to stop, but the two laughed at him and began to perform some juvenile bullying. Duilin, of course, seeing this ordered them to stop, but when they refused Duilin proceeded to kick their ass, and the two then backed off. Eventually they were caught in another tussle with Ryu, yet this one was much more violent. They then sicked their two-headed mutant yettie, on Ryu and his friends. Soon the beast fell and the two ran off. Soon they met up with Lars, and he employed them to assist him with a dark quest he was on. After a few adventures through a few castles, he eventually met his fate in the cockpit of a stolen vessel they were on, by Haraldur tossing two large fireballs in, burning him inside.