
P.C.S. Mk-II tactical system

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The Personal Combat Suit Mk-II tactical system is the successor to Isaac Kleiner's H.E.V. environment suit, except this version is more suited for combat. Kleiner issued this piece of equipment to Alex for him to use in his operations of liberating Asgarnia.




The armor on the P.C.S. is far more durable than the H.E.V.'s, far more capable of withstanding blunt trauma, and can even withstand sustained Kandigun fire. The armor itself consists of a runite-titanium alloy outer shell that protects a softer inner layer that is padded to cushion against impact. Most projectile weapons, like pistols and low-caliber machineguns will simply ricochet off the outer armor layer, producing a shower of sparks. Shotguns however are more effective. However, corrosive substances such as energetic sludge (such as that found in run-down parts of Asgarnia), will eat through the layering within seconds. The suit can easily withstand the elements, protecting the user from high and low outside temperatures while still creating a comfortable environment for the wearer.


The suit's power source is still the same recipe as was used in the H.E.V., but more powerful magic sparking has allowed the fuel to burn hotter and longer, far increasing the suit's efficiency and fuel duration. The P.C.S. can now run for at least one month on a full fuel pack. The new surplus of energy has allowed new additions and functionalities. The long-jump module is far more powerful, delivering nearly twice the thrust the H.E.V. offered, and improvements to the medical systems have been added. Onboard energy converters change the energy output into a constant stream of white magic that can be used readily to treat most injuries, from minor fractures to internal bleeding and hemorrhaging. The suit uses boosting magic to provide a limited degree of an increase in the physical strength of the person wearing it, allowing for superhuman feats that only the strongest of strong men could perform.


Due to the P.C.S. being built in part by the Asgarnia Armed Forces, the suit has been designed to link up with Asgarnian weaponry. When an Asgarnian or any magical weapon is held, ammunition and additional information are displayed on the helmet visor's HUD, which allows the user to keep tabs on his weapon status. The technology has not yet been expanded to other weapons, due in part to more primitive weapons like Kandiguns not operating on magic.


The suit, despite its revolutions in combat technology, suffers from inevitable shortcomings. It has many parts and takes a considerable amount of time to don all of the equipment. The suit itself is rather heavy and cumbersome to a new user, weighing around 200 pounds, though when worn, the mass of the suit is less apparent. Due to its heavy weight, it will also sink in water. While the user will be able to survive, his/her movements will be severely hindered by the bulk of the suit and the resistance the water poses on it. Its metal boots make a distinctive clanking sound when running on hard surfaces like concrete or rock, which can alert otherwise unsuspecting enemies. The boosting magic can prove to be a dangerous influence on the muscular and skeletal structures of the wearer. If the wearer's physical condition is too weak or frail, sprains in the ligaments and tendons of muscles and even significant bone fractures can occur if the wearer does not exercise caution.