
Doriana Jane Nymphadora

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Doriana Jane Nymphadora
Created by Drannic_Lord01
Physical Description
BuildLight (105lb)
HairLong Black Hair
Usual ClothingWears a suit of silvermail with a silk white undersuit and a teal green cape held to gether by the pauldrons
Body ArtNone
SpecializationIllusion Spells and Claw Weapons
JobFederation Lieutenant
Weapon(s)Assassin's Claw, a four-bladed claw that fits on the knuckles for a more swift, stealthy attack.
AllianceThe Gaian Federation

Current Status: Active

Doriana Jane Nymphadora joined this RP in chapter twelve.




A once big-time assassin, Doriana intends to join the army because of her lust for battle, but her greed tends to get the best of her at times, especially if it's a high-priced assassination. Money is her greatest 'quench of thirst' if you catch my meaning.


Dori tries and tries to make ammends for the deaths of the innocent souls she'd slaughtered, whose blood is now on her hands. A young man by the name of Justinian Constantine calls to her in her sleep, searching for the Holy Drannic Republic of Knights... She is their leader, and the last one left.

In Chapter Twelve

Quote from chapter twelve: "I have been hidden for quite some time... Yet you have found me," said a distant voice, one of stunning beautiful pitch, "What do you need, Monk?"

Doriana drove Justin mad in the beginning of the chapter, and had fued after fued with him. One good example is of how they tried to kill eachother outside Thand's house in the northern fringes of Tjed. Though if Dori had a heart for anyone, it'd probably be for Justin.

Dori followed where Justin lead until she left him in a cave with a monster. This monster turned out to be Tiberius, Justin's old friend at the monistary where he grew up. They parted ways as Justin decided to head through the glade in the woods. Eventually, he found Dori, and they found their way the the mysterious man in a black cloak who guided them to an underground waterway that lead into (or out of) the Dark Camp.

In Chapter Thirteen

My Favorite quote from chapter thirteen: "No, I don't think so pal," Dori rudely shoved Justin out of the way, "We came here to buy passage into the Dark Camp, and we're not leaving until we get what we want! Now, if you'd be so kind as to get the hell out of my way!" Justin got back to his feet and yanked Dori's shoulders to pull her back.
"Sorry about that," Justin began, "Dori's got a real temper."
"Justin, you'd better shut-"
"Yeah, she can get like that a few times. There was this one time where she got me so ticked, I stabbed her in the kidney."
"Justin, I'm not playing around. STOP IT RIGHT-"
"But most of the time, she's a sweet girl. I'm sure she'll come around to that side more often."
"SHUT UP!!!!!!"

Let's see... In chapter thirteen, Dori followed Justin as he went with Ben and the Velken twins to the war in Tjed. She charged in and killed off quite a few lizardmen, then attempted to kill Valimore (but failed), then attacked more lizardmen; the fun never ends, does it? After the battle ended, she fell unconcious (along with Justin) and was dragged into the medical area. She used her illusion to sneak into the castle (probably looking to steal something valuable) and overheard the conversation between Henri and Aaron. She reappeared and joined Aaron on his quest to reclaim Ariosis which had fell to the Dark Empire.

Doriana's Abilities

Doriana is a powerful assassin, yes... but she is also a far more powerful illusionist. She can cast up to a variety of illusive spells, some of them aiding her in battle of stealth. Wearing magically formed cloaks and hiding ever in the shadows, Doriana can stay hidden for years if she'd wanted...

Claw Snare

Doriana uses her claws to ensnare a person's leg or arm. It is used as a throw to knock them off balance, or even to the floor. This is also pertly an illusion, as it appears like there's actually a real claw snare in Doriana's hands.

Cloak of Shadows

This gives Doriana invisibility for a certain period. As long as Doriana remains in a shadow, the spell lasts forever; but if she walks in the light with the spell casted, it will wear thin over time, and eventually wear off fully. This increases the amount of critical damage one can do with a claw-like/claw class weapon.

Tranquility Amongst Shadow

This gives Doriana the ability to place her body into a shadow. If there is always a shadow on the wall, then Doriana will be able to stay forever; but if there is no shade at all, then the move cannot be completed. If light shined upon the shadow, Doriana is released from the shadow and returned to the grounds of Gaian.