
Mugen Seijin

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Name: Mugen Seijin (by Japanese name order; traditional english name order would be Seijin Mugen)
Gender: Male
Race: God
Age: Lost count
Job: Guardian (In the sense that DBZ's Kami is a guardian. He doesn't do much of anything, and also in the sense of Kenshin's Hiko Seijuro being a guardian... He shows up once, owns the enemy completely (at least I hope ), and doesn't do anything else ever.)
Weapon: Transcender, a glowing blue sword that can cut through space and time.
Alliance: None.




A blue-haired, golden-eyed Hiko Seijuro. Wears all white. White pants, white shirt, white cape, white boots.


Not much. He sits in his sword-shaped cloud most of the time, waiting for someone to enter wishing to transcend their normal abilities. He waits also for the world's imminent destruction, so that he may descend and stop it. He owes a debt now to Zion, Xenai, and Tsu, because....

In Chapter 6

...the three of them used the New Forever technique to give Gaia the power she needed to heal the planet. As an NPC, he granted Tsu the ability of flight, and came down to meet Gaia when she healed the planet. He also taught the trio the aforementioned New Forever technique.

In Chapter 9

He appeared to help fight Jayce and protect Aura.