
Justinian Constantine

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Justinian Constantine
Created by Drannic_Lord01
Physical Description
BuildMedium (175lb)
Usual ClothingWhite robes covering a garb of plain white clothing, tied together with a white belt of cloth.
Body ArtNone
Facial HairNone
SpecializationWhite and Holy Magics
JobExiled Monk
Weapon(s)Golddusk, a golden demon fang with swift attack speed. Also has an enchantment. The weilder of the weapon is more resistant to fire/heat based attacks, but is more weaker to water/ice based attacks.
AllianceHoly Drannic Republic, Tjed, Ariosis
StatusUnconcious Trance

Current Status: Inactive

Justinian Constantine joined this RP in chapter twelve.




A kind hearted young man with a strong spirit... And an occasional non-hilarius pun here and there. Justin has lived his whole life as a monk. He knows nothing like the short life he lived on Tjed. His mind is lost in all of the calamity, but Justin regains valor time and time again, not knowing that the gods are watching over him.


Born from exact pureness, Justin has lived his whole life as a monk in the Arctic region with a tribe called the Drannsmire, an entire tribe of gepardis, born with the ability to turn into their angelic lord, Drannica, and their demonic lord, Umbranthose. Because of the current war between Tjed and the Dark Empire, Justin's fellow monks placed the blame on him for not paying enough attention to the gods, and have exiled him until the war is over, and Tjed remains independant. To start, the monks told Justin to meet up with an assassin named Doriana to join the Holy Drannic Republic of Knights... only so little does he know...

In Chapter Twelve

First line ever in the story and quote from chapter twelve: "Hmph... so this is Tjed... Well, let's see if my holy magics can track this... Doriana..."

Justinian Constaintine introduces himself to Tjed, the first known area he's ever seen to have grass. Grazelands all around, Justin uses his holy monk powers to find the illusive Doriana, waiting for him as if she was aware that he was to find her (once again, illusive).

They set off for the north until Justin reaches an area of darkness. Dori vanishes before him and he is caught meeting someone he did not expect to meet. His old childhood friend Tiberius catches him by surprise (to both their surprises). He tells Justin the truth about the monks and Justin heads north through a glade in the forest.

Justin finally catches up with Dori, halfway across the fringe. Once again, they set off for the north, having a few fits along the way, untill anger catches them both off guard. They battle outside of Thand's house in the Northern Fringe of Tjed. Thand then sends them off to the north only to have them meet Bjendell Mjord...

In Chapter Thirteen

Quote from chapter thirteen "Uhh, if blood isn't blood... then what is it? Yeah, you might as well just slash the door open, Dori; I really should have wrote that down instead of compleatly ignoring Thand."

Justin finds himself caught up in Bjendell's mess. He heads off with Ben, Dori, and two Velken twins to the battlefield in the Tjedian mountains. There, he's transformed into Drannica, and then back to normal. After the battle is over, Justin discovers an old note on his medical tent's room desk. It's addressed to him from his mother. It appears that Jeniva Constantine is still alive. Justin finds himself tangled up again in another tight situation when he joins the party that's headed off to Ariosis to reclaim lost territory to the Dark Empire

Justinian's Abilities

Justinian has a rare gift. He can transform into a creature that he's battled andd captured it's essence before. This is not a gift, but a seperate race of people known as the Gepardi, who are old tribal folk that can transform into whatever creature they favor the most... except dragons and drakens. only those strong enough to prove themselves may transform into greater beasts.

Form of Wyvern

A basic animal transformation that nearly all Gepardis start off with from birth. It is a fast and effective miniature version of a yellow dragon, and is very useful as a beginner's transformation.

Form of Rock Golem

This one was a bit tougher to get, but with help from a few friends, Jason was able to pull off capturing the Rock Golem's Essence. It's build is quite large and very powerful, but you can't expect to be very bright whilst in that form.

Form of Red Dragon

This one took a while to get, and of course, much needed help from friends. It was a good thing that each of the monks have holy immobilization spells... Heh... The red dragon form was probably all that was needed to capture the rest of the dragon forms (well the good ones, at least).

Form of Green Dragon

Captured with the help of a friend and the red dragon form. The green dragon uses earth-based attacks rather than fire-based, like the red dragon.

Form of Water Dragon

Captured with the help of a few friends and the green dragon. This one's a bit trickier, mainly because I tried the red dragon form first (man, what a waste of time that was). It still can come quite in handy when in desprate need to cross the open waters.

Form of Umbranthose

Umbranthose is the Demonic lord of the underworld. This is the realm of judgement, as some say, "tis where the final bell dings of all the sins you have done in this world." Umbranthose is father of time and destruction, and favors those of a strong form. You have to be truely favored by the gods if you have been given the power to take the form of Umbranthose...

Form of Drannica

Drannica is the Angelic lord of the overworld. This is the realm of judgement, as some say, "tis where the final bell dings of all the deeds you have done in this world." Drannica is father of law and structure, and favors those of a strong will. You have to be truely favored by the gods if you have been given the power to take the form of Drannica...