From DALpedia
Kelmarr is a walking, talking skunk. His fur is a stark black and white, and his large bushy tail sports twin white stripes down the length. He wears cheap leather armor with a series of knives strapped around the waist. It is rare indeed to see him without a cigar hanging out of his muzzle.
Last of the skunkular race (or so he thinks), Kelmarr is a former minor officer of the Dark Empire. He considers himself a mage, but actually is versed in a wide variety of talents... and sucks at them all. A chain smoker and alcoholic, he hates humans but often works odd jobs for them as it is his only way to get by.
In Chapter 14 he along with Irchan, a minotaur who has since disappeared with the Dark Empire, kidnapped Indher and played a minor role in the summoning of Xnhrthsnhz.