
Realms of Essylian

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Realms of Essylian

Realms of Essylian don't exist anymore. They are a different dimension/world.

The realms of Essylain is Union or Federation created from five main Dimensions or Worlds. These worlds had far above average civilization, from technology to mysticism. They joined each other using the technology of dimension jumping. All worlds were connected with portals, a gate hard to create but stable once made. Each province had minimal one, one gate could link to any other one. This not only helped transportation between the worlds but also through themselves. The economy was hard to take over, since five different worlds were involved.

Technology, and believes

"Once a molecule is split all kind of stuff comes out from that. If one would split something again and again, the final result would be only the thought. A simple thing, yet so important. We are blessed in changing these thoughts. Even if it takes thoughs who are in the core of our souls, so that only things who are deep in our minds matter (Believes, goals, type of human we are, fears) However those who are able to control these thoughts even if only a little bit, these people are mystics. Some prefer to call them mages, runecrafter, sorcerers, whitches, gods... but these people are the core of our union." - Imiris, first royal serveror of the Realms of Essylian.

Their technology isn't that different from the technology from Gaian. They had steam technology however, and minor gun power was just invented, but it wasn't used for war, because almost everyone knew mysticism, it was a normal subject and a really helpful thing for the economy. Good mystics were praised, and named "Royal Mystics" giving them rare artifacts.


Since thoughs created reality in these realms, if one would believe that something would come true, it would, very slowly however. But if there were religions, and they believed some items were holy or cursed, this would happen. Because religion faded once the Realms of Essylian were founded, the number of artifacts, or relics as they are also called is limited. These were however given to mystics who could use them properly or taken away by the military for their own goals.


The Realms were controlled by a council, a group of 305 people chosen by the civilians. Then 20 more "Serverors" were placed, people who had twice the rights of a normal council members, and these could be dismissed by the civilians at any time. The voting was also unique, if one was more educated and more advanced his vote would count more. This made some people count ten times more than others. This was a fair things, because now the politics weren't based on cheap tricks, but on real things. The drawback was however that the intellected would vote for things that are good for them, and not for the "simple folk". Because of this the simple folk was reduced dramatically because for them it was hard to exist. But as the serverors said, they were only needed for manpower, but that was not needed anymore because of mysticims. The right hand of the council is the military. 10 of the members are military generals.


This is a list and short description of the worlds of the Essylian Realms. Listed in order of importance.


The most important world in the Realms of Essylian. When it was discovered, or vice-versa, it had already discovered ten times more that the Realms of Essylian, and many uninhabited worlds were found. The only one that was worth something was Kraj. Lupin had a strong military force, and because of this the military got more influence in the government. As this happened Lupin had the most influences creating itself a capital. The planet was devoured by the Essyli rune, and is mostly blamed for the incident. However experts know that Valde was responsible for the whole research. Their strength was technology.


This world was equal to Valde in the beginning and it was the home of various summoners. This didn't restrict to summoning creatures and beasts, but also to items and technology. They fitted better to Lupin and had a better economy so after a time their prosper grew bigger. The difference between Valde was really small however.


The homeland of Shuichi and creator of Essylian. This was the only world which had knowledge of the secret art of the runes. They never shared this information however which caused many scandals. Their generals were hungry for power, and it was their idea to start the Essyli rune project. Valde split in three after the cataclysm. The biggest part dispeared, and the smaller part was destroyed by Shuichi. The civilians of the third part escaped from Essylian and created Silver Root.


This planer was far from the prosper and they were in their middle ages. They had no kind of magic, and they didn't have allot of influences until Lupin joined the Realms of Essylian. They discovered that OX274 had tons of a metal called Siltratium. This made them more important and this started the silver age in the Realms of Essylian.


Not much is known about this world, except it was really disadvanced and almost uninhabitable .


It all began when Valde and Ineia first discovered each other, breaking the time imbalance between them. The first gates of Valde were created by Runecasters and those on Ineia by summoners. On contact, conflict started, however after a few months this settled down because both worlds were fully civilized and unified. Slowly more gates were built and both world decided to experiment more with dimension jumping. Their research failed however, and was postponed for five years. After both meeting the limits of their worlds they decided to create an union. They called it Essylian. This was the start of the Realms.

After some years of great prosper, they found a another world, OX274, it was world in wich order was the most important thing. It helped the social statuses a bit, but back then the world wasn't really advanced. Yet they allowed it to join Essylian, because now forming a triangle, a huge empty space is formed in between their dimensions. There isn't much there, but some on occupied planets, but they decide to change their name into Realm of Essylian.

Then Lupin was discovered, or rather vice-versa, Lupin discovered the Realm. They quickly joined, as Lupin was more military based, and the realms more economical, and they fitted good. Lupin had way more information about mysticism, and because of that military became a close tool for the council. Lupin had already discovered a huge area around the realm, in fact twenty times more than the realm had until now. Lupin and the only occupied planed with a proper civilisation, Kraj, joined, and the realm was renamed to the realms, because it became so big.

Because of the civilization on Kraj, the realms found out that on OX274 had allot of material in its ground. This gave prosper and the Realms of Essylian came in their Golden age. There however, it was called "Srebna Epoka" wich means more or less, Silver Age. Because the material found in OX274 was looking like silver.

Their power and influences grew, and soon their would collapse under their own weight, because of the Cataclysm of the Essyli rune.

Cataclysm of the Essyli Rune

Because of military influences, Lupin became the new captial of Essylian, but the other worlds were in huge prosper too. They didn't feel like different countries, they were one big nation. All sort of magic was called mysticism, and soon all mystici agreed that their power came from one great source. The gate of truth, Kabbalah, hell, heaven or the source. It had various names, but it was the source of all energy flowing, and everything came from that. Maybe it was the big bang? Whatever it really was, Essylian started a huge project researching it, and found out that it was a realm which had no rules. It was pure thought, and some even dared to say it was god himself.

To achieve the power and wisdom from the source, they made a perfect rune, even against the protest of some civilians. All Royal Mystici were assigned for this, no matter they wanted or not. Even with great funds, it took over twenty years to create the rune and another year to activate it. It was called the Essyli Rune.

It was a disaster when the rune was activated, they could summon whatever they wanted, and erase or create everything. It was the key to the world, but they themselves were also part of it. Their power grew to big, and they coudn't control it. Some Mystici escaped some didn't. Because the world used thoughts, their thoughts got easily corrupted or they disapeared when someone controlling the rune just though about it. All this pumping energy came free, and yet they tried to extract the truth out of the rune. They tried to summon the rune out of the rune. This created one big chaos, and all around Essylian an apocalypse started. Because they summonend nothingness. Something that didn't exist existed. Nature would take that down, together with everything around what witnessed this paradox.

In one day Lupin disappeared, and chaos spread on the other planets. OX274 and Kraj vanished due their weak magic force, but it didn't mean that Valde and Ineia survived. Their world was being ripped apart. Many people went berserk, and wars started for not important reasons. And that time Shuichi was one of the first who reached the ruins of Lupin (Wich was only an empty moon with the rune engraved in the sky) and tried to seal the rune down. Because too much of the rune had escaped, he tried to help nature just like hundreds others killing those who were responcible. Whether one did it out of will to safe their world, or out of revenge was personal.

After things calmed down the Realms were deserted. Most people died while few fled. This was the end of the Realms of Essylian.